“Your birthchart is a snapshot of your first breath on Earth. So when you came out of the womb and you took your first breath on this realm, in this dimension, in this beautiful matrix, the stars and the planets and the constellations were all aligned in an energetic format. If we were to take a camera and do a snapshot of the sky at that exact moment that you took your first breath, that is your birthchart, which is also your first baby picture because this shows what you were born under; the energies and the frequencies that your soul chose. Our soul was exactly on time for what we needed to do, the pattern you are born under and because everything is energy and everything is frequency, this is what you breathe into your soul. The birthchart shows your personality and beyond that, it is the full expression of your soul, it is the fullness of what you came here to do. This is the song of your soul. We all have a soul song and a frequency. We grow into our birthchart because we grow into the full expression of who we are.”
-Danielle Paige
Danielle er en astrolog jeg respekterer; hun sier det som det er. Her er tre episoder fra hennes podcast som jeg har hørt på flere ganger og som jeg varmt kan anbefale, spesielt til vakre sjeler der ute hvor livet har tatt en annen vending enn hva som opprinnelig var tenkt.